Francisco José Iborra

Científico Titular del CSIC


Molecular and Cellular Pathology and Therapy


Biological Noise 


Tel. +34 963391760


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Currículum Vitae


I’m a tenured scientist at the Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV) at the CSIC. I’m a member of the Real Academia de Medicina de la Comunidad Valenciana. I was the head of the Molecular and Cellular Biology department at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC), for 3 years. After my Thesis, in 1995 I joined the lab of Professor Peter Cook at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford University. I become Principal Investigator (PI) in 2003 at the Institute of Molecular Medicine at Oxford University. I joined the CNB in 2010 as a tenured scientist.  Since September 2019 I’m at the unidad mixta CIPF-IBV in Valencia.

I’m a cell biologist with a broad background in cell and systems biology, with expertise in quantitative biology, I’m currently focusing my research on the implementation of mathematical modeling approaches for the study of biological systems and processes. I combine quantitative imaging and gene expression data with mathematical modelling. My research aims to understand the basis of tumor cell heterogeneity and its implications, which requires an integrative approach.

As PI, I was recipient of MRC and Spanish Science Ministry grants, I set the basis for the discovery of the importance of mitochondrial heterogeneity on cellular variability. I developed new methods allowing us to carry out quantitative measurements in microscopical samples. As a result of the methods that I developed, we build new biological concepts like transcription factories or discoveries like nuclear translation. Moreover, as an example of the microscopy mastery, I studied the dynamics of mitochondrial genomes which conducted to better understanding the metabolism of mitochondrial genomes. Nowadays, my lab tries to understand the origin and the consequences of phenotypic variability.

I nurtured successful collaborations with other researchers. My long-standing collaborator is professor Tariq Enver, head of the Cancer Institute at University College London. Which, in a regular basis we publish studies on the biology of noise in gene expression and stem cell biology. Dr. Raúl Guantes at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, which help us on the mathematical modelling. And professor Joanna Poulton at Oxford University, expert in mitochondrial genetics.


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