José Pérez

Profesor de Investigación del CSIC


Cell and Developmental Biology


Cell Cycle and Development


Tel. +34 963391760


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Currículum Vitae


  • Bachelor of Biological Sciences. Sevilla University. 1987.
  • Doctorate in Sciences (Molecular Biology). Autonomous University of Madrid. 1992.


Professional positions:

  • FPI Scholar. Laboratory of Prof. Manuel Espinosa. Biological Research Center (CSIC), Madrid. 1988-1991.
  • Postdoctoral fellow. Laboratory of Prof. Victor de Lorenzo. Biological Research Center (CSIC), Madrid. 1992-1995.
  • EMBO fellowship. Laboratory Prof. A. D. Johnson. UCSF, San Francisco (USA). 1996-1997
  • CSIC Scientific Collaborator. National Center for Biotechnology (CSIC), Madrid. 1998.
  • CSIC Scientific Researcher. National Center for Biotechnology, (CSIC), Madrid. 2004.
  • Research Professor at the CSIC. National Center for Biotechnology (CSIC), Madrid. 2008
  • Visiting Scholar, University of Wisconsin at Madison (USA). 2009-2010.
  • Research Professor at the CSIC. Institute of Functional and Genomic Biology (CSIC-USAL), Salamanca. 2012.
  • Director. Institute of Functional and Genomic Biology (CSIC-USAL), Salamanca. 2019-2022.
  • Research Professor at the CSIC. Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia. Valencia. 2022.

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