Cell Cycle And Development Unit

Cell Cycle And Development Unit

Unit CELL CYCLE AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT Description Connections between cell cycle regulators and developmental programs in simple eukaryotic organismses   How growth and cell cycle progression are coordinately regulated during development in eukaryotic organisms is an...
Cell Division And Cohesinopathies Unit

Cell Division And Cohesinopathies Unit

Unit CELL DIVISION AND COHESINOPATHIES Description Our research interest is focused on the study of Cell Division and Rare Diseases. We investigate the fundamental mechanisms that control chromosome segregation and mitotic progression- the canonical role of mitotic...
Structure of Macromolecular Targets Unit

Structure of Macromolecular Targets Unit

Unit STRUCTURE OF MACROMOLECULAR TARGETS UNIT Description Research in my laboratory is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms and cellular functions of proteins and how their defects can lead to disease. We are particularly interested in explaining protein...
Biological Noise Unit

Biological Noise Unit

Unit BIOLOGICAL NOISE Description Biological noise is a phenomenon that spans all levels of biological organization. This phenomenon ensures that each individual in a population is unique, so populations of organisms act similarly but not identically. This phenomenon...
Regulation of Protein Synthesis Unit

Regulation of Protein Synthesis Unit

Unit REGULATION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS UNIT Description Ribosomes are responsible for translation of genetic information into proteins in all living organisms, and they are for example the target for about 50% of all known antibiotics in the case of the bacterial...

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