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First Virtual Workshop «ATRAE-GENOMA». Conexión online
05/11/2024 @ 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Do you want to meet first-hand the future leaders in our field? Are you interested in recruiting them to your Institute?
On November 5th, Conexión GENOMA organizes its first Virtual Workshop ATRAE-GENOMA.
This initiative is aimed at canalizing the reintegration of research talent to Spain. On this day, nine researchers working abroad on different aspects of the organization, dynamics and function of genomes and interested in establishing their groups in Spain will present their current results and future research lines. Are you going to miss it?!!!
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Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV), CSIC
Sede Jaume Roig
Conexión al evento desde el Salón de actos Domingo Barettino